Krishna McKenzie

Crowdfunding campaign for our upcoming album

The healing of the land and the purification of the human spirit is the same process.

Masanobu Fukuoka

About Krishna

For the last 30 years at Solitude Farm, Auroville (India) Krishna McKenzie has been reconnecting with the local food and relationship to food through community, education, celebration. Krishna Mckenzie is also an actor and musician with his group “Emergence” formed here in India. As an educator and public speaker Krishna has been part of many TEDX and University events.

The Journey

Krishna Mckenzie, born in the UK, first visited India at the age of 16 on a school trip with the J. Krishnamurti school UK, where he studied. Returning to England he experienced a surprising culture shock and 2 years later he returned to India, to Auroville, where he felt a strong inner call. Krishna’s journey into farming was inspired by working in the School’s vegetable garden. This led him to realise that deeper questions in life could only be addressed by living close to nature. After arriving in Auroville in 1993 and pioneering a 50 acre reforestation project, Krishna started Solitude Farm, Auroville in 1996, making it a centre for natural farming and permaculture with its incredibly diverse and productive food forest. Through Fukuoka’s teachings Krishna has understood that life emerges from the soil. Millions of microorganisms, moulds, bacteria, insects, earthworms, mycelium, the life in the soil is the fertility of the soil. The essential technique of Natural farming is to return all organic matter back to the soil – branches, leaves, sticks, weeds, grass etc..thus facilitating Mother Nature’s potential. After arriving in Auroville in 1993 and pioneering a 50 acre reforestation project, Krishna started , Auroville in 1996, making it a centre for natural farming and permaculture with it’s incredibly diverse and productive food forest. Through Fukuoka’s teachings Krishna has understood that life emerges from the soil. Millions of microorganisms, moulds, bacteria, insects, earthworms, mycelium, the life in the soil is the fertility of the soil. The essential technique of Natural farming is to return all organic matter back to the soil – branches, leaves, sticks, weeds, grass etc… thus facilitating Mother Nature’s potential.


Krishna McKenzie, the frontman of the band Emergence, makes music of a different kind —it is influenced by Solitude Farm, that lives a dynamic alternative lifestyle, based on sustainability and close ties to nature. Auroville-based jazz fusion/acoustic rock/indo pop band Emergence comprises of four talented and unique musicians, each one a master of his trade.
The band has performed at Glastonbury festival, Kennedy Center US, Blue Frog Mumbai & Counter Culture Bangalore to name a few.

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People . Food . Music

An offering of music by Emergence, food and Krishna’s narrative of cultural redemption through honouring and serving local foods, bringing about awareness of fundamental ideas such as ecology, holistic living, natural foods, celebration and the importance of community.

Music and food are an adhesive that bring people together. 

The message of cultural redemption through honouring the gifts of Mother Nature, much like a plant growing from seed, has come to fruition with the “farm to plate” experience at Solitude Farm in Auroville. In between each song examples of the seasonal local foods are served.

Get in touch with us to have this experience tailored for a space or an occasion of your choice.

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Edible Landscapes

How are you utilizing your outdoor space? Is every corner, corridor, and open space of your corporate environment creating value yet?

If not, let us make that happen for you. Your extra space could actually anchor your whole community together to align to your company’s values, and simply through the act of growing and sharing food. Let us tell you more..


Sustainable growth is only possible with a profound collaboration with Mother Nature and that starts with; the food we grow and eat as a community. This is how we will heal ourselves and our planet. By introducing a wide diversity of foods that are the very foundation of our culture, and learning how to integrate them into the nutritional needs of our community, we believe that we can tackle global problems such as climate change, lifestyle diseases, and on a more subtle note, a loss of cultural identity.

Mid Day Meal

The custodians of our cultural heritage are the small land holders, often women who know the value of traditional spinaches and forgotten foods. By valuing local foods we value this intergenerational knowledge allowing local farmers and women workers to reclaim a livelihood that emerges from their culture. The Menu we propose is not much different from the food we are already serving at Solitude cafe.

The Moringa Project

By highlighting the multiple values of moringa and reintegrating them into the diet of every college in India for just once a week would create a revolution not only nutritionally and ecologically but would also create aware and respect of our cultural nutritional heritage in India. By inspiring every college to eat moringa spinach once a week we are fostering a collective value from north to south a common cultural reference, a common collective identity.

If you feel inspired and would like to help us to manifest our vision, do reach out!

Updates & Events

3-Day Intensive Permaculture Workshop

This workshop aims to empower you to start growing your own food and to gain an insight into knowing where our food comes from
Dates: 23-25 Aug | 13-15 Sept | 18-20 Oct | 20-22 Dec
Venue: Solitude Farm, Auroville

If you’d like to meet Krishna, he’s available EVERY SATURDAY AT SOLITUDE FARM at 11.30 for a free farm tour.
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Bring PEOPLE . FOOD . MUSIC to you

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